Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blogs, You Tube, Texting and the Like...

Hey Ya'll (this is Jake)...

I was pondering Semester (AGAIN) today, and I was trying to think of good ways to stay in touch with ya'll... So, I was wondering if people have public blogs, YouTube accounts, or anything like that so that we can continue to follow each other (in a NON-creepy way... except for maybe Mike)?

And then also, who has texting? I really don't want to text any of you randomly and have you get charged for it...

Thanks guys and gals- I miss you all!!



  1. Hooray!

    My blog is annielauriemiller.blogspot.com & I welcome texting with open arms. I also highly encourage letters... really...

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  2. you know my blog Jacob.

