Monday, November 30, 2009

Jake's Final SS Update...

Hey guys- thought I'd be the first one to post...

Below is a copy of my final email update to those at home, I thought you may want to see it... You guys ALL mean so much to me and I miss you all!!

Final Summit Semester Update

Well, I’m back home everyone! I really appreciate all of your support and prayers these past three months while I’ve been out in Colorado.

This past Sunday those of us at Snow Wolf Lodge celebrated Christmas—complete with Christmas tree and gift exchange. A group of us went up about a mile into the National Forest, cut down a white fir tree, and hauled it back up to the lodge. After experiencing some difficulty in getting the tree to stand up straight, the tree was decorated with Christmas roses, white lights, popcorn, and an angel. Our celebration also included cookie decoration, a gingerbread house competition, a Christmas ham, and a white elephant gift exchange. The gift exchange was pretty amazing, with things such as books, food, missing hats, frozen money, a sketch of Bauman, and hot sauce being given as gifts. The festivities concluded with a Christmas classic: “A Muppet Christmas Carol.” And so a great day ended and the last week of our wonderful experience here at Snow Wolf Lodge began.

This past Monday, we had our last Bible class with our Director, Eric Smith. Then Tuesday and Wednesday we had Summit Ministries Director John Stonestreet come and discuss how we’re can better transition back into the ‘real’ world. Wednesday afternoon was preparation for guests (all 70 or so that we were expecting for Graduation). Our Thanksgiving Celebration included food (LOTS of it!), football (and all the fun and soreness that accompanies that), and watching the Denver Broncos whoop the New York Giants.

Friday was graduation day, and a very emotional one in many ways. First of all, Mom arrived in Pagosa Springs at about 11 am, and that was really exciting. Second, we had graduation and all that comes with that- the speeches, tears and high emotions. Lastly, we had some people leaving Friday night, so it was emotional to see them go, knowing that it will be a while before I see them again. Saturday was extremely emotional, as I had to say goodbye to some great friends, with whom I had spent the past three months and had so many great times and memories with. As of now, I am really missing them all in their own ways. I’m glad I’m home and I’m eager to put what I’ve learned into practice, however I grew pretty close to some of these amazing people while I was out there, and it’s hard to leave friends behind…

My time at Summit Semester was fun, exciting, thought-provoking, insightful, and, I believe, life-changing in many ways. I will never forget the friends that I have made, the memories that were created, the questioning and learning that was done, and the great three months that I spent in the middle of nowhere in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. I really see my time there as a true blessing from God. My prayer for all of you reading this is that you grow in your knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus as we have in our three months.

Thank you all so very much- you all mean so much to me! Thanks again for all of your support and prayers these past few months. Enjoy these last few quotes.

In Christ,

Jake Prahlow


"We need to be developing continually a worldview big enough for the world." -John Stonestreet

"We have no reason to despair, because Christ has risen." –Neuhaus

"If you want to maintain your respect for law or sausage, don't watch either of them being made…" -Lord Bismarck

"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." -Frederick Buechner

Eric: “Who do you fear more, Bauman or God?” Mack: “God has mercy.”

“Calvin’s favorite pickup line: Is your name grace? Because you’re irresistible!” –Hope Nowak

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